Hết rồi.
Chẳng còn có cả dư âm.
Chẳng còn có cả dư âm.
bonus: giữ lại chút gì đấy từ thuở đầu cảm xúc.
Jan. 11th, 2008
Trắng xóa
Trắng xóa khói.
Trắng xóa mùa đông.
Sâu đôi mắt anh nhìn em trắng xóa.
Ta có hai ngày cho tất cả.
Tất cả để yêu thương.
Dài như một mùa yêu, mênh mang mãi.
Lạc lõng rời nhau, em khóc.
Một linh hồn vỡ, lạc trong em.
Rồi linh hồn buồn đón mưa đêm lạnh ngắt.
Em cho anh tất cả, từng giọt một trong em.
Cả chóng vánh thu vàng, cả linh hồn vỡ.
Chợt thu rã rời, linh hồn úa, tìm nhau.
Anh không là của em, cơn gió đông kia ạ.
Mãi chẳng là của em, chỉ nhánh cảm xúc nhỏ nhoi, dài vô tận.
Anh đi.
Và một ngày từ trắng xóa lại tím ngắt mùa đông.
Mar. 29th, 2008
I have too much in my mind now I find it hard to concise them into words. I've had one night to regret. I got pissed drunk; made out with the wrong person. I lost a friend, and I am losing you. I just smashed down everything I've been trying to build up between us. I rushed back and ramble about how much I like you. Because I do, I really do. I just wish you knew how much. I just wish you knew how much of a difference your words make, you make. You make all the difference. All. You know when you told me don't smoke, don't drink; I didn't. Its surprising to me how effortless it is for you to change me. What you can actually do to me surprises me all the time. I wanted to get back and apologize to you. But then again I find it hard. Not because of I don't know how. But I don't know for what reason. You're not mine and I'm not yours. So why do I feel so bad. Maybe there is this bond underneath the surface that happens to tide us together. And all I do is weaken it. I blame it all on me.I just wish you told what was really on your mind. You say everything's cool, everything's find. But maybe you forgot that I was once your friend. I was once the person you came to when you got pissed off with your girl having to say its all cool to her when it strangles you. It hurts and shatters me to see what I'm doing. You say everything is the same. But the way you talk to me just shows me that everything is difference. You seem to ignore it everytime I say I miss you, everytime I say I love you. As if it is for you to show me that it doesn't matter anymore. Although I've done things that I wish I hadn't. I wish you knew how much I really like you. It seems like you've forgotten that. I want to remind you but you won't listen. I don't know how to get you to listen again; to remember again. I don't expect us to be the same again. But I hope we get things back. Everything's not lost. I know I ruined everything before it starts. But I want to prove that it doesn't end here. Not this easy. Not when I really don't want it to.
----i love you----
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