at times, i find it hard to identify which part of this feeling hurts most or which part of me is going to break down first. There is a new jar in the drawer and again it's full of loneliness and insecurity.
Who I am to say that maybe sometimes people should draw the line between the humour that i share and plain hurting. But if it doesn't matter to anyone but me then maybe it just doesn't matter at all anyway.
I'm invisible and shrinking mentally. Sometimes I wish someone was warm enough could come and warm things up but my sheets are still cold. I always seem to go for the wrong people and the right people at the wrong time. That's not very wise. I've never grown wise, just bitter. I never grew proud, just insecure.
Maybe I jumped underwater again, but the view was so lovely I didn't realize how cold the water is. It's soaking onto my skin and soaking underneath too. Now I'm too heavy to float and reach light again. And in darkness I'll remain. And in darkness, you'll always feel alone.
This is why I sleep with the lights on.

once i slept with a mint on my tongue, i dreamt i was chewing my teeth. The moment I thought that I just kept on chewing anyway.